While not evident at the time, the foundation for Recruiting Classroom was starting to be built when our Founder, Bill Pell, was in middle school in Hollywood, FL. While sitting in the stands with the rest of his boy’s middle school basketball team he was very conscious of the fact that he was the only team member who didn’t have basketball shoes. Sense of worth, fitting in and being accepted were all real thoughts that went through his head as they had about ten minutes before they took the floor to warm up.

At that moment, and looking back to no surprise at all to those who know her, Bill’s mother came into the gym with a non-descript box and handed it to him in the stands. The box was opened to reveal a new pair of red and white (his school colors) basketball shoes. 

This story is and can be repeated a thousand times over and I’m sure you all have your story or one similar to it. But for Bill who for the majority of his childhood was raised by his single Mom who was a school teacher after his Dad’s passing early in life, it is the inspiration behind the launch of Recruiting Classroom. Finding ways to help those who are finding it difficult to get their kids into a sports program, the proper equipment to compete and feel a part of the team, or the education to understand the college athletic recruiting process is the mission Bill and his wife Missy have set out on. We hope you join us in our cause.

Our Founder: Bill Pell

  • Born & Raised in Hollywood, FL
  • Attended the University of Florida
  • Member of Phi Delta Theta national fraternity
  • Married to Missy Pell
  • Has three boys: Parker (25), Alec (22), and Tyler (18)
  • Supported & Led multiple non-profits helping support sports and the experience for kids playing sports in Florida, Texas, and Colorado
  • Founded Next Gen Athletes in 2020 with his son Parker. Through this company, he has supported thousands of young people in the college athletic recruiting process