Applications for funds will be made available through our online portal and website. Each grant application will be screened and decisioned based on these key factors: proven need, market being served, number of kids supported annually, willingness to participate in how to fund raise themselves ongoing and history of success in changing the lives of kids through sport.

Applications will be reviewed by Recruiting Classroom Board and grant recipients will be required to provide follow-up spend outcomes and results. This will be required for consideration of future grants.

Who We Support:

  • Most team and individual sports organized and operated by a non-profit association and/or school.
  • Club teams who have predetermined scholarship opportunities for athletes with a demonstrated need
  • Equipment, uniforms, coaches training, player registration fees, facility rental fees and field maintenance.
  • Programs, exhibits and other learning opportunities that use sports as its primary focus to promote interest and engagement in the game.
  • Your organization directly serves youth between the ages of 3-18 years old.
  • Your organization serves youth in high need communities.
  • Schools Only:  We will consider % of student body that qualifies for free lunch programs to prioritize need.
  • Your organization is located and serves kids in the United States.
  • Organization provides access to physical activity for kids (physical activity can take many different forms and does not have to be a structured sports program).

Program Grant Application

Get started today with your grant application.

Individual Grant Application

Get started today with your grant application.